Tuesday 27 November 2012

slut shame

Raphael/Gus/Pippa/Keon Political protest

Price Tag

Why have we chosen this? What have our lyrics been changed to? Who sings this song in our show and why?

money money money

Why have we chosen to use this? Which characters sing it? How have we made the characters brechtian in style?

Bills Bills Bills

Why have we chosen to use this piece of music? How does using popular music work on the audience?

Tuesday 20th Novemebr

This lesson was all about pulling our piece together. You need to comment on;

  • why we have used the songs in the piece?

  • Why have we chosen to set it in a supermarket?

  • Comment on the songs within the piece? How do they work to create dramatic tension and to alienate the audience?

  • Which other brechtian techniques do we use in the piece?

Tuesday 27th November Protest Evaluation

Political Protests;

Well done today year 12! Some really focussed and creative work! I particularly liked the 'slut shaming'. It was bold and 'in yer face' and really captured peoples attention.

In your evaluation you should think about the following things;

  • Which topic did your protest address?

  • What were you trying to say through your protest?

  • Why did you choose your topic?

  • How did your piece communicate with the audience?

  • Which moments in your protest were successful?

  • Which ideas/moments needed work and were less successful and why?

Get busy and get to work! x

Monday 12 November 2012

initial responses to 'The price"

So now that we have read this play, what is it actually about? You said this:

  • people being unable to meet financial demands
  • Objectification of children
  • the importance of material things
  • Do we now see children as a burden on our income?
  • Everything has a price
  • Are we obsessed with money?
  • Money rules our world
  • Why is the child cheaper than the box of tea?
  • How much are we willing to pay for things?
  • How have we got to this point now?
  • The play addresses a strange question but in a very familiar setting-a supermarket
  • Fair trade-do we care about being fair or do we just want the cheapest product for the cheapest price?
  • Does money always reflect value?
  • Everywhere has crisis

debt crisis in greece

I haven't watched all of this but it could be useful

Important Dates and deadlines

Political protests- Tuesday 27th November-Week 4

Political shows-Tuesday 11th December -Week 6

lesson 1 tuesday 6th November

Work so far:

  • brief overview of Brecht
  • Alienation technique-making the audience look again at what they are seeing on stage- "making the stage seem normal and the normal seem strange
  • What techniques can we employ to create these questions in the audience? The use of song, narration, gestus